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Fresh Color is Green Printing!

Environmental concerns have always been a top priority for us at Fresh Color which is why we've only operated with the most sustainable digital printing equipment, our Kodak Nexpress and Nexfinity, since we opened in 2003. 

Sustainable printing service
  • Kodak NEXFINITYs can be operated in an office environment, unlike some digital color presses that emit harmful VOCs and generate hazardous waste fluids.

  • Digital printing makes it practical and affordable to order the quantity you know you’ll use, eliminating waste when obsolete materials are discarded.

  • We use only North American & European papers, where mills operate at higher environmental standards than in other parts of the world.

  • NexPress printing is certified by INGEDE (the International Association of the Deinking Industry) because it is easily de-inked in the paper recycling process.

  • No petroleum-based inks (some digital presses use
    oil-based ink).

  • No VOC-emitting fountain solution or press-cleaning chemicals, film/platemaking chemicals, metal/synthetic plates, or synthetic proofing materials.

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